A Guide to Choosing the Right UPSC Optional Subject

A Guide to Choosing the Right UPSC Optional Subject


The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) assesses your knowledge, endurance, and most significantly, your ability to make smart decisions. One such critical decision is selecting the Optional subject for the mains exam.

The Preliminary stage evaluates your overall knowledge and skills, whereas the Mains exam allows you to excel with your Optional subject. It carries 500 marks which is significant amount of your overall score. So this isn't just about choosing another subject to study. It is about intelligently selecting your checkmate for the Mains Exam. 


Choosing an Optional Subject is like picking your running partner. It should be someone who complements your strengths, motivates you through tough stretches, and ultimately helps you cross the finish line.


Does this sound daunting? Do not worry!  In this blog, we'll help you find the perfect Optional Subject partner. We'll avoid generic advice and myths. We will concentrate on genuine and practical tactics that have assisted countless UPSC applicants in turning this selection process into a strategic masterpiece, dominating the Mains, and achieving their desired rank.


From self-assessment to recognizing your strengths, reviewing subject overlaps, and figuring out resources, prepare to find the Optional Subject that will boost your score and move you toward your desired career as a public servant!


A Guide to Choose Your Perfect Match


First of all, Forget the "Best" – It's All About You!


There is a common assumption that the finest optional subject exists but this is not the case. The UPSC provides a wide range of subjects, and the best option is entirely up to you. There is no one-size-fits-all method. So, we'll look at crucial elements to consider, explore, and equip you with techniques to make an informed decision that is best for you.




Every aspirant has their unique strengths, limitations, and interests. As a result, what works for your friend may not be suitable for you. So, the key is self-analysis. Identify what makes you a strong candidate by considering the following factors: 


  • Academic Background: You can choose your optional subject based on your previous expertise or knowledge. If you excelled in a particular subject during your undergraduate or postgraduate, then you can consider leveraging that strength here.


But don't believe in the myth that “Subject Background is Mandatory’’. A prior background in the optional subject can give you a head start. But it's not a compulsion. Many toppers have opted for subjects outside their academic backgrounds. What truly matters is your passion, command over core concepts, and dedication to mastering the syllabus.


  • Interest and Passion: This is the Paramount key. You'll be spending significant time studying this subject. So, find something that truly fascinates you because a true passion will make your preparation process more enjoyable and sustainable.


  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Everyone has subjects in which they excel and some in which they struggle. So, be honest with yourself. Evaluate your analytical thinking, writing ability, memory recall, and subject-specific aptitude. Choose a subject that builds on your abilities and helps you overcome your flaws.


  • Learning Style: Do you grasp concepts better visually, through writing, or by practical application? Select an optional subject that aligns with your preferred learning method.


  • Answer Writing Style: Some subjects require a more theoretical approach while others necessitate a combination of theory and case studies. So, you should choose an optional subject in which you are comfortable with the expected answer writing style.




Once you have a sense of your academic personality, explore the given optional subjects and consider the following points:


  • Syllabus Analysis: Don't underestimate the power of the syllabus! Download a copy of the UPSC syllabus and thoroughly analyse the syllabus of Optional subject you want to have. Understand the content covered and the vastness of the syllabus. Opt for a subject you find manageable and can realistically complete within the given timeframe.


  • Overlap with General Studies (GS): Look for an Optional Subject with significant overlap with the GS syllabus. This strategic choice allows you to optimize your preparation time by covering similar themes and concepts for both sections. But keep in mind, while some overlap with the General Studies (GS) syllabus can be beneficial, you should still prioritize genuine interest over a forced fit.  A subject you genuinely enjoy will be easier to grasp and retain. You'll be more motivated to delve deeper, giving you an edge in both optional and relevant GS sections.


  • Scoring Potential: Let's be practical, you want to maximize your marks. Look at past year trends to see which optionals have yielded high scores consistently and success rates. This doesn't guarantee the same outcome, but it's a helpful indicator. But don't fall into the trap of the myth, The "Scoring" Optional Subject! There's no magic bullet! The myth of a universally "scoring" optional is just that - a myth. Scoring potential depends more on YOU than the subject itself.  An option that perfectly aligns with your strengths and interests will fetch you far more marks than a "trendy" choice you struggle with.


  • Availability of Resources: Research is key!  Make sure the optional you choose has readily available study materials – quality reference books, previous year question papers, and online resources. Reliable coaching, if that's your preference, is a plus. The easier you can access quality resources, the smoother your preparation sails.




Now comes the moment of truth - selecting your optional subject. Here's a multi-pronged approach you can follow:

  • Shortlist Based on Self-Assessment: Using the insights from the first section, shortlist subjects that resonate with your academic background, strengths, and interests.

  • Scrutinize the Shortlisted Subjects: For each shortlisted subject, meticulously examine the syllabus, weigh the overlap with GS, assess the complexity, and research the availability of resources.

  • Guidance and Mentorship: Consult guidance from experienced mentors or toppers who have excelled in your choices of Optional Subjects. Their insights and strategies can help you refine your choice.


Don't Be Afraid to Experiment!


The initial stages of preparation can be a time of exploration. If you're torn between two subjects, spend a few weeks delving into each. Read introductory books, solve sample papers, and gauge your level of comfort. This "test drive" will help you identify the subject that truly resonates with you.


Moving Beyond the Choice: Committing to Your Optional


Once you've selected your optional subject, here are some strategies to ensure you prepare it effectively:


  • Start Early: Don't underestimate the time required. Begin your optional subject preparation well before the Mains exam.

  • Develop a Strategic Study Plan: Create a well-structured study plan that allocates sufficient time for covering the entire syllabus. Schedule regular revision sessions to solidify concepts.

  • Build a Strong Foundation: Start with foundational texts and standard reference materials. Gradually move towards advanced topics and practice answer writing.

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Regular answer writing practice is crucial. Simulate practice under exam conditions. Also, get your answers evaluated by experienced mentors or faculty.

  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of current developments in your chosen field. Utilize credible news sources, academic journals, and government reports for this purpose.

  • Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers: Take mock tests regularly to assess your progress, identify weaknesses, and improve time management. Analyze previous year's papers to understand question trends and answer expectations. 


Remember, cracking the UPSC CSE is a journey of perseverance. So, choose your Optional Subject wisely, but more importantly, prepare for it wholeheartedly with consistency.


Also, the right Optional Subject, coupled with unwavering dedication, can turn your UPSC dream into a glorious reality. It empowers you to excel. So, start on this journey of exploration with confidence, and you'll be well on your way to securing your dream rank!


Do you know we conduct the best Classes for Philosopy & Geography Optional Subjects? Do talk to us if you are interested in knowing if any of these subjects can become your UPSC Optional Subject.


Philosophy Optional Subject

Geography Optional Subject


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