Policies and Schemes: Analysis of Significant Government Policies and Schemes Impacting Governance and Public Welfare

India's government policies and schemes are pivotal in addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by its vast and diverse population. These initiatives aim to promote inclusive growth, enhance public welfare, and ensure effective governance across various sectors. From providing financial support to farmers and ensuring healthcare access to promoting digital literacy and clean energy, these schemes play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for citizens. This article provides an in-depth analysis of some significant government policies and schemes, highlighting their objectives, impacts, start dates, and current status, underscoring their importance in India's development narrative.


1. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)


  • Objective: MGNREGA aims to enhance the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched in 2005
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Employment Generation: MGNREGA has provided employment to millions of rural households, reducing poverty and migration to urban areas.
    • Infrastructure Development: The scheme has contributed to the creation of rural infrastructure, such as roads, wells, and irrigation channels.
    • Social Inclusion: It has empowered marginalized communities, including women and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, by providing them with job opportunities.


2. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)


  • Objective: PMJDY aims to provide universal access to banking facilities, ensuring that every household has at least one bank account.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on August 28, 2014
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Financial Inclusion: The scheme has significantly increased the number of bank account holders, bringing millions into the formal banking system.
    • Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT): PMJDY accounts facilitate the direct transfer of subsidies and welfare benefits, reducing leakages and ensuring timely delivery.
    • Savings and Credit: The scheme has encouraged savings among the poor and provided them with access to credit and insurance services.


3. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)


  • Objective: PMAY aims to provide affordable housing to urban and rural poor by 2022, ensuring "Housing for All."
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on June 25, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Urban Development: The scheme has promoted the construction of affordable housing in urban areas, addressing the issue of urban slums and homelessness.
    • Rural Housing: PMAY-Gramin focuses on providing pucca houses to rural households, improving living conditions and sanitation.
    • Economic Growth: The construction of houses under PMAY has generated employment in the construction sector and stimulated economic activity.


4. Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)


  • Objective: PMJAY aims to provide health insurance coverage up to INR 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary hospitalization to over 10 crore poor and vulnerable families.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on September 23, 2018
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Healthcare Access: The scheme has improved access to quality healthcare services for millions of poor families, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.
    • Health Infrastructure: PMJAY has led to the strengthening of health infrastructure, especially in rural and remote areas.
    • Preventive Health: The scheme promotes preventive health through the establishment of Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs), focusing on primary healthcare.


5. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA)


  • Objective: Launched in 2014, SBA aims to achieve universal sanitation coverage and eliminate open defecation by 2019, as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on October 2, 2014
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Sanitation Coverage: SBA has significantly increased sanitation coverage in rural and urban areas, reducing the practice of open defecation.
    • Public Health: Improved sanitation has contributed to better public health outcomes by reducing waterborne diseases and improving hygiene.
    • Behavioral Change: The campaign has created awareness and driven behavioral change towards cleanliness and sanitation practices.


6. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP)


  • Objective: BBBP aims to address the declining child sex ratio (CSR) and promote the education and empowerment of girls.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on January 22, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Awareness and Advocacy: The scheme has raised awareness about the importance of gender equality and the need to prevent female foeticide.
    • Education of Girls: BBBP has promoted the enrollment and retention of girls in schools, contributing to their educational and social development.
    • Community Participation: The scheme has encouraged community participation in changing societal attitudes towards girls and ensuring their rights.


7. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)


  • Objective: PM-KISAN aims to provide income support to all landholding farmer families in the country to supplement their financial needs for procuring inputs related to agriculture and allied activities.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on December 1, 2018
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Income Support: The scheme provides direct cash transfers to farmers, helping them meet agricultural and household expenses.
    • Agricultural Investment: The financial assistance has enabled farmers to invest in better inputs and technologies, improving agricultural productivity.
    • Rural Economy: PM-KISAN has contributed to the overall rural economy by increasing the purchasing power of farmers.


8. Digital India


  • Objective: Digital India aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy by ensuring digital access, digital inclusion, and digital empowerment.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on July 1, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Digital Infrastructure: The initiative has expanded digital infrastructure, including broadband connectivity and mobile networks, to rural and remote areas.
    • E-Governance: Digital India has promoted e-governance by digitizing government services, making them more accessible and transparent.
    • Economic Growth: The program has stimulated economic growth by fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital literacy.


9. Make in India


  • Objective: Make in India aims to transform India into a global manufacturing hub by encouraging domestic and foreign investment in the manufacturing sector.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on September 25, 2014
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Industrial Growth: The initiative has boosted industrial growth by attracting investments and promoting the establishment of manufacturing units.
    • Job Creation: Make in India has created employment opportunities in various sectors, including automobiles, electronics, and textiles.
    • Export Promotion: The program has enhanced India's export capabilities by improving the quality and competitiveness of manufactured goods.


10. Skill India


  • Objective: Skill India aims to provide skill training to youth and create a skilled workforce to meet the demands of various industries.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on July 15, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Vocational Training: The initiative has expanded vocational training programs, equipping youth with industry-relevant skills.
    • Employment Opportunities: Skill India has improved employability and job prospects for millions of young people.
    • Economic Development: The program has contributed to economic development by ensuring a steady supply of skilled labor to various industries.


11. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)


  • Objective: PMUY aims to provide clean cooking fuel (LPG) to poor households, especially in rural areas, to reduce health hazards associated with indoor air pollution from traditional cooking methods.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on May 1, 2016
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Health Benefits: The scheme has significantly reduced respiratory illnesses and other health issues caused by smoke inhalation from traditional fuels like wood and dung.
    • Women Empowerment: By reducing the time and effort spent on gathering fuel, PMUY has empowered women, allowing them to engage in other productive activities.
    • Environmental Benefits: The use of LPG has reduced deforestation and indoor air pollution, contributing to environmental conservation.


12. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)


  • Objective: PMFBY aims to provide comprehensive crop insurance to farmers to protect them against crop losses due to natural calamities, pests, and diseases.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on February 18, 2016
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Financial Security: The scheme provides financial security to farmers by compensating them for crop losses, reducing their dependence on informal sources of credit.
    • Increased Agricultural Investment: With the assurance of crop insurance, farmers are more likely to invest in quality inputs and adopt modern farming practices.
    • Stabilization of Farm Income: PMFBY helps stabilize farm income, ensuring that farmers can sustain their livelihoods even in adverse conditions.


13. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)


  • Objective: PMKVY aims to provide skill training to youth across the country, enhancing their employability and making them industry-ready.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on July 15, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Skill Development: The scheme has trained millions of young people in various trades and professions, bridging the skills gap in the job market.
    • Employment Generation: PMKVY has improved the job prospects of beneficiaries by equipping them with industry-relevant skills.
    • Economic Growth: By creating a skilled workforce, the scheme contributes to economic growth and the overall development of the country.


14. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY)


  • Objective: DDUGJY aims to provide continuous power supply to rural areas by strengthening the rural electricity infrastructure and ensuring last-mile connectivity.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on July 25, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Rural Electrification: The scheme has significantly increased the number of electrified villages, improving the quality of life in rural areas.
    • Economic Activities: Reliable power supply has boosted economic activities in rural areas, promoting small industries, agriculture, and services.
    • Educational Benefits: Electrification has enhanced educational outcomes by enabling the use of digital tools and providing better study environments for students.


15. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)


  • Objective: NRHM aims to improve healthcare delivery across rural India by strengthening healthcare infrastructure, increasing the availability of medical professionals, and enhancing healthcare services.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on April 12, 2005
  • Status: Currently running (now part of the National Health Mission)
  • Impact:
    • Healthcare Access: The mission has improved access to primary and secondary healthcare services in rural areas.
    • Maternal and Child Health: NRHM has focused on reducing maternal and child mortality rates through better prenatal and postnatal care, and immunization programs.
    • Disease Control: The mission has enhanced the control of communicable diseases through increased vaccination coverage and health awareness campaigns.


16. Smart Cities Mission


  • Objective: The Smart Cities Mission aims to promote sustainable and inclusive development by creating smart urban infrastructure and improving the quality of life in selected cities.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on June 25, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Urban Infrastructure: The mission has led to the development of modern infrastructure, including smart mobility solutions, efficient water and waste management systems, and better public amenities.
    • Digital Governance: It has promoted the use of digital technology for better urban governance, enhancing transparency and citizen engagement.
    • Economic Growth: By improving urban infrastructure and services, the mission has attracted investments and boosted economic activities in smart cities.


17. Atal Pension Yojana (APY)


  • Objective: APY aims to provide a sustainable pension system for the unorganized sector, ensuring financial security in old age.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on May 9, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Financial Inclusion: The scheme has brought many workers from the unorganized sector into the pension fold, promoting financial inclusion.
    • Retirement Security: APY provides a guaranteed minimum pension, helping individuals secure their financial future after retirement.
    • Encouragement to Save: The scheme encourages savings among low-income workers, contributing to their financial well-being.


18. Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA)


  • Objective: DISHA aims to make at least one person in every household digitally literate, promoting digital inclusion and literacy.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched in February 2014
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Digital Literacy: The scheme has significantly increased digital literacy, enabling individuals to access digital services and participate in the digital economy.
    • Empowerment: Digital literacy empowers citizens by providing them with access to information, digital payments, and e-governance services.
    • Bridging the Digital Divide: DISHA helps bridge the digital divide, ensuring that rural and marginalized communities are not left behind in the digital age.


19. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)


  • Objective: PMSBY provides accidental death and disability insurance coverage to individuals at a highly affordable premium.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on May 9, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Insurance Coverage: The scheme has increased the insurance coverage among the low-income population, providing financial security against accidents.
    • Social Security: PMSBY acts as a social security net for families in case of accidental death or disability of the earning member.
    • Financial Inclusion: The scheme promotes financial inclusion by encouraging people to adopt insurance as a means of risk mitigation.


20. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)


  • Objective: PMJJBY offers life insurance coverage to individuals at a low premium, ensuring financial support to the family in case of the policyholder's death.
  • Start Date/Year: Launched on May 9, 2015
  • Status: Currently running
  • Impact:
    • Life Insurance Penetration: The scheme has increased life insurance penetration among the underprivileged and low-income groups.
    • Financial Security: PMJJBY provides financial security to the family of the deceased, helping them cope with the economic impact of the loss.
    • Awareness: The scheme has raised awareness about the importance of life insurance and financial planning.


Government policies and schemes have a profound impact on governance and public welfare in India. They address critical socio-economic issues, promote inclusive development, and enhance the quality of life for citizens. Understanding these policies and schemes is essential for aspirants of the UPSC examination, as they provide insights into the functioning of the government and the measures taken to achieve sustainable development. Continuous evaluation and reform of these policies and schemes are necessary to ensure their effectiveness and responsiveness to the changing needs of society.

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